SEO Made Simple: How To Use VidIQ Keyword Research Tool

VidIQ Keyword Research Tool, considered by many as one of the most useful YouTube plugins, is an AI-powered mechanism that analyzes all of the data on YouTube and gives you the best video ideas possible within seconds. It shows you a lot of information about every keyword you are looking for. Things like density, search volume, or trending phrases are no longer a secret. Seems powerful, right? In this article, we’ll take a look at the VidIQ Keyword Research Tool and find out if it’s worth its price. So without wasting any more time, let’s go!

How Does It Work?

As I said earlier, VidIQ uses AI to analyze your niche, looking for keywords. When you want to find an idea for a YouTube video, just put the phrase you’d like to create content about and VidIQ will come up with many keywords you can use in your video. As simple as it is. For example, I can type in the phrase “Bitcoin”.

The tool shows me if this and similar keywords are good enough to create content about. If you’re not satisfied with the results VidIQ’s Tool also gives you some similar keywords in your niche that might work better.

If you’re done with this part, I’d recommend you go to VidIQ’s Ai Generator to get some Seo-optimized stuff like a title or description for your video. If you’re still curious check out more features VidIQ has to offer.

Personal Advice

Is VidIQ worth buying? Is it going to boost my YouTube subscribers? Does it even work? I hear those questions all the time when it comes to VidIQ. And I never answer any of them. I can’t because It depends on many various factors. But I will at least share with you my personal opinion. So if you know nothing about YouTube it probably won’t help you a lot.

But if you’re learning as much as possible, really trying to grow your channel, and get as many subscribers as possible VidIQ might be a great choice for you. It will for sure save you a lot of time and work. VidIQ’s features are just helpful and if you take YouTube seriously I would highly recommend you get it. And with that being said we can move on to the next part.

Pssst… Also check out the review of the best YouTube tools, including VidIQ and TubeBuddy comparison. Feel free to read it!

Case Study – My Story

As you might know, I’ve been a content creator since 2016. I’m currently running multiple 100k+ social media channels. I’ve got some faceless automated YouTube and TikTok accounts, as well as nearly 10 YouTube channels with long-form content.

Now, did I succeed thanks to VidIQ and its features? The answer might be easy to guess but I have to say no. The truth is it takes a lot of time and practice to start a successful YouTube channel, and VidIQ with all its features won’t change it. But it doesn’t mean it’s useless. It might help you with lots of things, for example, doing keyword research, creating captivating thumbnails, or getting ahead of your competitors with in-depth data analysis. It still takes a lot of dedication and hard work to grow a YouTube channel to the number of subscribers and views letting you quit a 9-5 job.

Is VidIQ Keyword Research Accurate?

A lot of people are asking themselves: are VidIQ’s tools accurate? You might think the answer is simple. But it’s harder than it seems to be. If you’ve ever used an AI tool you might know that these aren’t perfect yet and still can provide some inaccurate data. Even on the bottom bar of ChatGPT, there is a note telling users it might provide inaccurate information about places, dates, or people. So, is VidIQ safe?

I started using it back in 2019 and I haven’t stopped until today. It’s not like all these scammy AI tools. When you’re searching for keywords VidIQ’s AI mechanism analyzes the public data on the internet and gives you the exact keywords you need to rank better on YouTube.


But it’s not everything yet. It can also show you keywords, your competitors rank for, which you might use as well, to improve your channel reach. You can also check how other creators in your niche perform and what content works best for them.


Kind of cool. Isn’t it?

Plans And Pricing

Now, you might wonder how much you must pay to get all these features. And I will surprise you. It’s not that much you might think. Here’s a simple breakdown:

Free Plan

It’s a simple subscription for 100% free. It has some useful features and might be helpful especially if you’re just starting on YouTube. The only problem is the most advanced tools and analytics are blocked and you need a paid plan to use them.

Pro Plan

It’s a more advanced subscription that has all the free plan tools + some additional ones. For $5 you’re getting a Keyword Research Tool, Competitor Analysis, and 2 additional AI SEO tools including a Chatbot, and Automated Content Generator. The second one is my favorite. It generates Seo-optimized things for your YouTube videos such as a title, description, script, or even a voiceover. This plan is best for creators with a small audience who want to boost their performance and get better results.

Boost Plan

This subscription provides you with all the features from the previous plans as well as much more advanced stuff created for serious YouTubers. You can see which content works best in your niche, learn how the YouTube algorithm works or which strategy should you implement to your content to get better results. With the Boost Plan ($50) you’re also getting some professional courses created by the best experts from the VidIQ team and YouTubers. It’s a great plan for those who want to grow their channel, learn about the algorithm, and get better results simultaneously. PS. You can get all these plans for 100% off using one of my promo codes.


VidIQ’s Research Tool can be really powerful while looking for keywords and ideas for your YouTube channel. Key phrases with a lot of search volume and low competition might help you get more views and subscribers in a shorter period of time. VidIQ’s huge advantage is, that it has 4 different plans including a free one so everyone can find something for himself. Whether you’re a professional content creator or you’re just starting your YouTube journey I recommend you give it a try. It doesn’t cost anything and might help you a lot.

Simon Crestwood
Simon Crestwood

Hey, I'm Simon Crestwood, a seasoned copywriter passionate about empowering others in the digital world. With a proven track record of success, I have already helped over 1000 individuals in growing their YouTube channels and boosting social media presence.

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